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Do you believe the Washington Post let this %#$#% write an op-ed on healthcare?

We may be a few days late but seriously! Do you believe the Washington Post let Jon Gruber write an op-ed on the healthcare bill having the grapefruits to blame the new President on the failure of Obamacare? Do you believe the man who admitted that he and the administration lied to the American public on a massive healthcare bill, who stated that a lack of transparency and the stupidity of Americans got the bill passed gets an op-ed in the Washington Post blaming everything on the new president?

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G790p0LcgbI
What in blue hell is the matter with the Washington Post? We get it. We know you are biased. We know you protect who you like and try to shred those you don’t like…but are you not embarrassed? Do you feel no shame? Do you not care that you are letting someone who admitted they purposely lied to the American public about a bill affecting a large part of the economy write in your newspaper? Is there any line you draw on just plain old…doing the right thing or does the agenda just simply over-ride doing the right thing? I guess we got our answer. Here is the nonsense!

SOURCE: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-says-obamacare-is-broken-hes-the-one-who-broke-it/2017/05/05/29434658-31b7-11e7-8674-437ddb6e813e_story.html?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.b00c3bb35ef8

One Comment

  1. Hypocrisy means nothing to the Left.
    Just look at the intolerant hate speech of Colbert, Maher, Antifa etc. Yet when asked, they claim hate is the exclusive purview of the Right. Go figure.

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