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By Gary Kaltbaum- May 7, 2017
-The modus operandi of the socialist left is to create new entitlements that are impossible to repeal because of the ganging up by the left and the media calling the other side heartless. To a large extent, it works…or they would not be using the same template over and over again.
-Let me get this straight, Barack Obama created a healthcare plan that no one read, that Nancy Pelosi said she would need to read. A healthcare bill that they said premiums would go down, deductibles would go down, coverage would go up and that you could always keep your doctor.
– A healthcare bill that created $1 trillion of new taxes over 10 years to pay for it.

-Obamacare Employer Mandate Tax together with the Individual Mandate Tax $270 billion tax hike.

-Obamacare’s Medicine Cabinet Tax which hits 20 million Americans with Health Savings Accounts and 30 million Americans with Flexible Spending Accounts a $6 billion tax hike.

-Obamacare’s Flexible Spending Account tax on 30 million Americans a $20 billion tax hike.

-Obamacare’s Chronic Care Tax on 10 million Americans with high out of pocket medical expenses a $126 billion tax hike.

-Obamacare’s HSA withdrawal tax a $100 million tax hike.

-Obamacare’s 10% excise tax on small businesses with indoor tanning services a $600 million tax hike.

 -Obamacare health insurance tax a $145 billion tax hike.

-Obamacare 3.8% surtax on investment income a $172 billion tax hike.

 -Obamacare medical device tax a $20 billion tax hike.

 -Obamacare tax on prescription medicine a $28 billion tax hike.

 -Obamacare tax on retiree prescription drug coverage a $2 billion tax hike.

-A healthcare bill in which the main architect Jon Gruber admitted he and the administration lied in order to get the bill passed and that America’s stupidity and a lack of transparency did the trick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G790p0LcgbI
-Of course, it has turned into a healthcare bill in where premiums are skyrocketing, deductibles are going up, coverage is going down and you can lose your doctor. It is a healthcare bill where insurance companies are dropping like flies out of covering. It is a healthcare bill where over 1000 counties have only one provider and now a bunch of counties with no providers. A healthcare bill that created millions more hours of paperwork for doctors instead of spending time with patients. A healthcare bill that is absolutely blowing up because of cost, coverage, lack of a strong market, too many mandates and too many fines. A healthcare bill where another architect, Ezekial EManuel said in order to fix it they should just penalize people more so it is so onerous, that it would force more people to buy into something they do not want. Yes…he said that.
-Maybe Trumpcare works, maybe it doesn’t.  I just know whatever we have now is not working and that all the sycophants in the media got everything wrong yet now they are telling us:
-That all Trumpcare is is a tax cut for the rich while forgetting to mention the Obama tax hikes.
-That it is a massive scaling back of healthcare for millions of Americans which breaks his promises.
-That pre-existing coverage will go away.
-That elderly Americans will pay a ton more for coverage.
-That people will die because of it.
-Again, we do not pretend to know if Trumpcare will work. After all, the healthcare system is a complex, gargantuan blob of a system. There will be a lot of changes as it goes through the senate. What we are sure of is that Obamacare was a lie in plain sight, is a failure, is imploding, does not work, has not worked, will not work…yet the sycophants that backed it 1000% are still telling us what is good for us. Changes definitively need to be made. Let’s hope they get it right this time.