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By Gary Kaltbaum
November 4,2016
Many are wringing their hands on why the markets are buckling. Many are blaming the swoon on the better poll numbers for Trump. We think they may be right but not for the reasons many are giving.
Recently, 370 economists said the world would crash if Trump became president. Recently, a few wall street writers said the same. Really? How would they know? They don’t! The fact is people have agendas. People have ulterior motives. People are like a flock of geese. They form into one line joining each other for the sake of joining each other. And by the way, Gruber is one of the 370 as in WE HAVE BEEN GRUBERED!
We have not much blood in this game. We are not thrilled with either candidate. One has proven to be an influence peddling, corrupt politician and the other, in our humblest opinion, is all over the map. But let’s get some facts out.
Over the past 8 years:
Debt has skyrocketed $9 trillion.
Federal spending reached a record $3.8 trillion this year. The last year of Clinton presidency, federal spending was less than $1.8 trillion. Where the hell and what the hell is the extra $2 trillion being spent on because our eyes are not finding it?
Deficits are $600 billion. Of course, the president said he has cut the deficit in half. Cue Jon Lovitz!
Homelessness is out of hand.
Poverty is out of hand.
The racial divide is wider than we have seen in ages.
Savers have been screwed as there are no riskless income investments.
Leverage and debt in the system has far surpassed 07-08. Guess what caused 07-8? Leverage and debt.
The fed has had to keep rates at 0% for the whole 8 years, print $4-5 trillion just to keep the economy having a pulse and the markets up. The rest of the central bank lemmings followed suit.
Financial bubbles abound.
Obamacare costs skyrocketed with the main architect (Gruber) of Obamacare stating they had to lie to get it passed.
And we haven’t even started on foreign policy.
With all that…the debt, deficits, the out-of-hand federal spending, the 0% rates, the printing of money and everything else…we are now told by these people that it will be Trump that causes problems? We have news for these people who have watched and done nothing to abate all the deterioration…Donald Trump has never run this country. Donald Trump did not oversee all this nonsense yet it is him that will cause problems? We have more news for you. It is the past 8 years that have injected millions of termites into this economy that will cause a meltdown. It is a central bank that has created distortions like we have never experienced that will cause it. Remember…agendas! And to be clear, George Bush was no help either as debt blew up $5 trillion under his watch.
If markets are going to buckle in the near-term because of Trump, it will be because he will try and roll back all this nonsense that have created all these bubbles. It will be because he would send the Yellen/Bernanke partnership into the dust bin of easy money stupidity. It would be because he would stop the gargantuan growth of government spending that continues to drain the economy of its potential. As government grows, the economy slows because government only lives and breathes because of our tax dollars and whatever is sent is still not enough as Washington refuses to balance the checkbooks.
For longer term success, something must be done. There is no way we can continue the trajectory of bigger government, higher taxes, more regulation, more over-reach which seems to be the mantra of Hillary Clinton. The greatness of this country has nothing to do with Washington DC but the millions of people who get up every day wanted to do better for themselves and their families. Washington DC just stands in the way. It is imperative we get back to WE THE PEOPLE because WE THE POLITICIANS just does not work.
So maybe some pain first…maybe. Just remember, these same geniuses all told us the end of the world would come because of Brexit. Again…agendas!
We believe in us. We believe in free markets. We believe in the free flow of capitalism and unfortunately, this country has been heading towards a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren socialism fantasy that just doesn’t work. Never has…never will. People like Sanders, Warren, Clinton have never created a dime of wealth, never created a job and have no understanding of the economy or business or hard work or sweat or toil or long hours or risk taking but they continue to tell us they can run things better than us. Ask any Venezuelan how things are.
We have no clue what kind of President Trump would be as again, all over the map, but there are only two choices and frankly, maybe the unknown is better than the known! Whatever you decide…make sure you vote because your vote counts.


  1. Gary! Thanks for your comments on this great election! I believe you were helpful in getting Donald elected. Thank you….. here’s to getting this Country turned around! You’re a goo man.

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