So far…no selling!
Intraday selloffs only to be bought up…indices closing on the highs…crappy earnings being bought.
SO FAR, this is what we have been seeing off the lows. There has been a persistent lack of selling in spite of markets being overbought and stretched to the upside on a near-term basis.
Leadership is expanding a wee bit with leaders being the same names that held up best before the market crack. Relative strength has led to the same relative strength.
Massive overhead resistance straight ahead but so far, so good.
There are many that email us telling us this is just a bear market rally. We are all for anything the market wants to do. But a word to the wise. Let the market be your guide. Predictions are worthless. Wasn’t the market supposed to crash on Friday? Harry Dent said so.
Hi mr Gary. I understand resistance in the stock market, but how is that different from the “massive” resistance you write about ? Thanks for your messages , phil.