1. Market:

    Crashing !
    Yota .. .. yawn.
    The big indexes .. are .. falling on to the support of the 200 day average..,

    on “the daily..,”


    the 50 day support on “the weekly.”


    two special indicators.. .. ..,

    they saying..,

    this pull back in the big indexes are .. .. no big deal. ( The market can rally here. )
    Dollar/Gold/IEF(10 year bond ):

    Dollar .. 50 day plus. ( Bullish )

    Bond ..50 day negative (Bearish )
    Bond below the 50 day = rates going higher.

    Dollar above the 50 day = rates pulling the dollar higher.


    as, the dollar rallies .., (rallies)

    the golds will go lower. ( Or hold support . )

    butt, the dollar is falling !

    Yup, the dollar is falling..,


    the dollar is falling above , “the bull ” side of the 50 day..,

    soo oo..,
    Yota, still calls..

    dollar bull..,

    gold bear. ( Gold can easily dead cat bounce here.)

    China flies a mass of warplanes over Taiwan.
    The goal is to intimidate.

    China is a looming .. global, technical, and military superpower.

    if, the intimidation is not working .. .. IT SHOULD !
    NEWS :


    welcomes “Himself..,”

    to “His,” new life, as an unknown blogger.

  2. Yota: ( Misspent youth. )

    There was a family.

    Father age 30.
    Mother age 13.
    It was a “shotgun” wedding.
    Three children resulted. ( Two boys, and a girl. )
    Those children, now age, 60+.
    The daughter.

    She, a chronic shoplifter, fired twice for stealing.

    She, now a hopeless methamptamine addict.
    The brother, in jail for the third time, for attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder.

    He, also a hopeless methamptamine addict.
    The other brother ( “The other guy.” )..,

    a shoplifter since a child.
    Fired three times for stealing.
    Selling drugs at a multinational aerospace company. ( They build civilian jet airliners. )
    Conspiracy to commit murder.
    Yota..( Lessons to be learned. )

    1. Do not cry for people who have “larceny” in their blood.

    2. Watch your back.

    3. Avoid all human contact .. .. , .. .. with Arkies, Okies, and Texans.
    Stock market:

    The big indexes should find a base here soon.
    “His,” two special indicators..,



    this pull back will turn into a rally.
    Yota.. ( His blog. )

    New address.

    New name.

    New life.

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