
Trying to take more of your money!

Will have a full report on the ridiculous action this week…over the weekend. Great recovery!

Nancy Pelosi wants to raise your gas taxes. This is expected from someone who has never seen a tax she didn’t like. But a few Republicans are chiming in also saying it is something to think about. What is the matter with these money grubbing, power hungry people. Just when the middle class as well as the not so middle class get a break because of a drop in gas prices, they come in with their greasy, grimy hands wanting more. It is not enough that they have doubled spending over the past 15 years. It is not enough they have grown government into a gigantic blob. They just want more out of your hide.

And the Knicks are now 5-34!

One Comment

  1. That’s right… endless welfare programs, sanctuary cities and child subsidies encouraging single mothers to have more children, added t immense amounts already supporting illegal aliens… Most of this still takes place in Pelosi’s California….and is the reason the state remains still essentially bankrupt.

    So democrats see low prices at the pump as their opportunity to add to already high fuel taxes (that are never a percentage but always a fixed amount on the cost per gallon) probably now close to 35% total.

    Why not slip it in when it wont be noticed, Ms Pelosi?

    Meanwhile the Federal Omnibus bill just passed in DC was the largest Federal budget ever… one trillion dollars…. loaded with pork and political favors. All this was passed quickly (Obama and Reid worked hard making sure of its passage) before the newly elected Republicans could even get to Washington.

    The Federal government could have… and should have… been shut down instead… allowing essential time for a new much lower Federal budget to be completely recalculated with no waste, no pork! A new bill in 1sr Qtr 2015 would have had the newly elected House and Senate members participating and the costly and wasteful Obamacare defunded… That was the will of the people…. and as usual, was completely ignored.

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