By Gary Kaltbaum- February 28,2017
Our usual disclaimer: We are not in the tank! We are only about 60-40 on the new president and his policies but what do we know? We really like a bunch of his economic policies but we also really dislike some of it. We really like how he wants to defend the country but we have no idea why he went for this so-called ban. But we remain amazed about the reaction to the new president. When Obama came in, everything was wonderful. All benefit of the doubt was given. He could do no wrong. We are now in opposite land as the new president gets no benefit of the doubt and can do no right. But in case you did not know, we thought it important to make sure you knew some facts about tonight’s address.

Tonight, the new president will be giving a joint address to Congress. He is only one month into his presidency yet quite a few are out calling him a failure. A certain someone named Pelosi actually stated that the new president is letting down the middle class. Really? After one month? An article in USA Today was actually written with the title: “Trump Too Late On Hate!” Really? After one month. All that hate created in one month? There was no hate for the past 8 years? Funny…not seeing anything written up about the trillions of wealth created so far with the market going up but then again, THAT has nothing to do with the new president? Right?

That said:
The new president did not create a dime of the $20 trillion of debt. Many of the people in that room did.

The new president did not create the welfare state in where there is over 80 programs doling out over $1 trillion each year. Many of the people in that room were a party to it.

The new president did not create the serious immigration problem. Many in that room were a party to it and did nothing about it.

The new president did not create the size of the government in which federal spending is now above $4 trillion…up from less than $1.8 trillion in the last year of Clinton. Many in that room oversaw this.

The new president has not been involved in any wars, including Iraq and Afghanistan. Many in that room were.

The new president did not create the Social Security ponzi scheme wherein your SS taxes go to pay off today’s retirees. Many in that room have done nothing about it and its problems.

The new president did not take interest rates down to 0%, screwing savers and distorting markets. Many in the room have watched and done nothing about it.

The new president had nothing to do with what is now called “serious infrastructure” problems. The new president did not promise an $800 billion stimulus bill would go to infrastructure and then spend it elsewhere. Many in that room watched it and said nothing about it.

The new president did not sit idly by while Isis was created and grew to the size it is. (We will leave that one alone!)

The new president did not create the disaster called the NY Knicks…ok, that one was personal.

You get the point. We could go on and on. We have just never seen a time where someone who just became president is already being blamed for all the ills of society. We just needed to set the record straight on who the real culprits are.