1. I’ve been browsing for a place such as this for quite a very long moment.
    I was trying to find somebody who would be able to clearly navigate me on this problem and was fortunate enough to locate you.
    Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation, you drew attention to an extremely common matter!

    Though I share your opinion for the most part, I think that
    a few points are worth having a more thorough appearance to
    comprehend what’s happening.

  2. The market can pull back a little here .. butt we are above the 50 day, so nothing to worry about.

    The dollar .. it’s waiting to break up or down.

    Gold .. it’s waiting on the dollar.

    The NEWS .. flooded with the democratic party attack on the president .. ( by way of the impeachment hearings).

    Nobody watching the hearings .. because nobody gives a dam.

    Some days .. there is simply nothing to talk about.

    Today is one of them.

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