One Comment

  1. Not a good day for a blog.
    NOT (!), a good day !
    The NEWS.
    Presidential inauguration.
    Yawn .. boring.
    One president exits, the new one comes in.
    Yota ( Donald Trump )

    Mr. Trump was a good and effective president.
    Yota ..wishes Donald Trump well .. .. and, many thanks sir.
    Yota ( President Biden ).

    “He” .. wishes Joe Biden well..,

    because a successful president..,

    means a successful country.
    Sadly .. Joe Biden has surrounded himself with ..,

    agents of the radical left..,

    and any administration which governs from the extreme..,

    is an administration which does not represent..,

    the nation’s middle ground.
    And any administration which cannot capture the ” broad middle..,”

    is an administration .. on the pathway to failure.
    Were Yota .. to give suggestion to this new president..,

    Yota’s .. suggestion would be..,

    place some consertavitives close at your side.,


    then make a “reasoned’ decision..,

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