
Narrower already?

A few thoughts: Before the market topped out, the average stock was heading south before the indices. It is early but already “feeling” a little

Weekend market report!

By Gary Kaltbaum @GaryKaltbaum Fox News Business Contributor The first number is earnings. The second number is sales. The fundamental side! EBAY…-7,-2…the stock gaps

More central bank nonsense!

We waited to write this because we knew Draghi was going to yap this morning. He did not let anyone down as he now telegraphs

Earnings time!

We will stay quiet this morning except to say WATCH THEM EARNINGS. CMG down $55 but BIIB up $18. It is earnings roulette….which means sit

So far…no selling!

Intraday selloffs only to be bought up…indices closing on the highs…crappy earnings being bought. SO FAR, this is what we have been seeing off the