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But don’t worry…there is no bubble!

We love how the media describes the gargantuan printing of money, the gargantuan monetizing, the gargantuan creation of debt out of thin air. They describe it as assets. Let’s be clear. It is not an asset. It is a big, gargantuan ass that is causing major bubbles, major distortions and who knows what else. These select few central bankers that do not have a clue how markets and economies work continue with their unprecedented experiment. Their only move now is when anything gets in trouble, just print more. Why not $30 trillion? Why not $50 trillion? Why not $100 trillion? We have news for you…that’s where we are headed unless a savior shows up and shuts them down. We do not expect that to happen. We do expect the markets to have the final word.


One Comment

  1. Yoda sits…

    His students ask:
    Q:Please Yoda, how long can the bankers print ?
    A: They can print, until the planet pukes the money out.

    His students ask:
    Q: Yoda please, what will the banks do when the planet pukes out the money ?
    A: Yoda answers; the bankers will send in the US military to bomb the money down their throats,,, like they did in Iraq..

    Q: How will it end Yoda ?
    A: Yoda ponders; you will see the beginning of the end, when you see two markets in gold:
    1.The electronic market, where the price of gold is rigged to fall, in order strengthen a valueless dollar,
    2. the tangible market, where an ounce of gold in the hand,, is worth doub le the electronic price; reflecting the true value of gold vs the dollar by bid..

    Yoda continues…….When you see that spread, , the global economy will experience the rampant inflation of an over printed dollar.. The dollar will be universally rejected, gold will be accepted, and the resulting ………dollart inflation will………. cut their supply line !
    No money for army boots, not for bombs, not bullets, not gasoline. The line of supply to feed the Army which keeps the banks in power, will be cut, and the corrupt system will collapse, and we will be free of them.

    Er……free of them, until they replace the old corrupt monetary system, with a new corrupt monetary system, and the dishonest system of weights and measures will start all over again.

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