

Regardless of everything said and written here, don’t forget it is end of quarter. At the end of a quarter, market players are not supposed to window dress…meaning they are not supposed to pump things up by buying a crapload of stocks they already own in order to have end of quarter statements look better. This is illegal. Of course, somehow, the track record of the last few days of every end-of -quarter is fabulous but don’t worry, market players would never do anything illegal.

So during this end-of-quarter window dressing moment that does not happen, we suspect with markets oversold and getting icky..let’s just say we would not be surprised to get a bounce in here. BUT…the bigger picture does not change. Just take a gander of the chart of the Russell 2000, Smallcap 600, Midcap 400, new highs versus new lows, advance/decline lines and you will get a picture of something less-than-thrilling.